Welcome to Garbriellasheart.org
What does Real Change look like?
Many times when people start a foundation, they are trying to affect change. Often that happens because they have lost a loved one to tragic and preventable
circumstances. Gabriella’s Heart Foundation is trying to do exactly that. Our daughter passed away because all too often doctors are complacent and are looking
for the common and easy to fix solutions when something far more dangerous is present. Such
was the case with our beautiful Gabriella. Now, our mission is to educate the world about Viral
Myocarditis. It’s symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain and abnormal heartbeat.
It is highly treatable when diagnosed in time. Every second matters and we want every medical
professional to be aware of this potential killer.
Part of our mission at Gabriella’s Heart Foundation is to provide every medical facility, urgent care
center and even school nurse’s offices with information about this virus as it can easily be mistaken
for something else like a common chest cold.
Become part of Gabriella’s Army where you can help raise money, donate, raise awareness by
dropping off our medical information cards at medical facilities everywhere.
Our Education Mission
These small, but potent 3 X 5″ medical handouts are perfect for handing to a medical provider at a local hospital emergency room or urgent care facility. Short, brief and to the point, these cards are designed to raise awareness within the medical community.
It speaks about the virus, it’s symptoms and creates a sense of urgency by letting providers know that every second matters. Even school nurses can benefit from knowing what to look for as they are often on the front lines when our children begin to have a medical problem.
Knowing about this virus can mean the difference between life and death and that knowledge can help save lives. Join with us and help spread the word.